
The rich archaeological heritage of the Elhovo area is presented in independent exhibition hall. The exhibited monuments demonstrate the rich millennia culture of the area of Lower Tundzha, between Strandzha and Sakar. Extremely rare for the territory of Bulgaria are the 3 stone scepters of the bronze epoch and the only fully preserved copper ingot – pre-monetary form for exchanging and trading, owned by the Bulgarian museum institution. Big interest cause the findings and the results of the researches near the villages Malomirovo-Zlatinitsa, Golyam Dervent, Borisovo and Stroyno of the Archaeological expedition „Strandzha”, managed by Daniela Agre of the NAIM-BAS, who has studied for several years the ancient Thracian culture in Elhovo area.

In the last decade the museum together with the expedition has been assisting for the archaeological studies in the area of Lower Tundzha.