Traditional national costumes

Here are samples of traditional clothing of the population of South-East area of the Bulgarian territory at the end of XIX and the beginning of ХХ century – children`s, male and female`s, casual and holiday. Big interest causes the clothing of the Bulgarian-immigrants of Edirne and Aegean Thrace – Gyumyurdzhinsko, Uzunkyupriysko, Dedeagachko, who came in Bulgaria after the wars at the beginning of ХХ century.

A place is assigned for some traditional holidays and customs as wedding, mummer games, koleduvane and lazaruvane with the specific for them ritual objects, ritual clothing and ritual character, illustrated through original exhibits – items and photo materials of the relevant epoch. At the end of the exhibition belt are shown samples of wood carving and icons-drawing art of XIX century, done by distinctive local craftsmen of Strandzha Art School.